How to Install the T-PostGuard

1/ At the corners and at the gate

Drive your corner posts, gate posts and end posts.

  • For adequate strength, use 4 inch by 4 inch wood posts + #36W Tensioner
  • Or T-Posts set in concrete + Block Tensioners
2/ On the fence line

Make a straight line by tying a string at 10 inches above ground from your first post
Use your string as a guide to set a straight line of t-posts.

3/ Start mounting the sleeves together :
  • 5 segments will make a 5 ft post and 4 segments a 4 ft post.
  • Open the T-PostGuard kit box and take out the number of segments you need.
  • Make sure to align properly the pre-cut holes; snap the segments together
  • Once your sleeve is ready, slide it down your T-Post.
  • Do not set the insulators before sliding down the sleeve.
  • Some tiny triangles might pop up but that is not a problem.
  • To make sure the insulators will be in a straight line, stretch a string from one insulator
  • that you set on the fi rst T-PostGuard to one insulator on the last post.
  • This will show you the exact line to adjust the height of the T-PostGuard to level the
  • insulators. You can force-slide the sleeves up or down to the required level.
  • Screw in the insulators, which will also keep the sleeves in place.
  • Set the caps and push them down, but don’t forget to align first the precut holes. Set the insulator on the cap.
4/ Set the tape
  • Set the tape from tensionner to tensioner and then into the insulators (see page 37)
  • Close the insulators with the square clips making sure the bumpy side inside the clip is on top

* In case you want to set your fence tape at different heights than the preselected ones ,do not punch in the pre-cut holes, you can drill your own holes with a 1/2 inch drill bit and screw in the insulators


When mounting or dismounting your T-postGuard sleeve, if you realize you haven’t aligned the holes correctly, you can separate the segments to readjust with a strong push of your hand or foot at a cross angle on the sleeve.


What makes the T-PostGuard fit snuggly without wiggling on the post?
Each sleeve segment has a star shaped pattern that centers the segment using the T-post as a backbone.
Each segment presents 2 precuts centered and sided holes (you will punch one) in order to suit the T-post position .
The space between two studs allows you to adjust the height of your T-postGuard, it will hold it in position, ensuring no wiggling on the t-post.