Wood post, Round wood post, Metal t-Post, Pipe post, Fiberglass posts, Rebars, Trees, and T-Post-Guard sleeves over T posts.
- Our insulators and tensioners are designed to fit them all.
- Our (Diam. 1/2″) Fiber glass posts (#7A) have a smooth surface finish.
- Our T-post-Guard sleeves (#TPwh, #TPbr, #TPgr) comes in a kit of 25 T-Post covers + 25 caps + 100 insulators.
- Wood posts and t-posts have to be purchased locally.
but should never exceed 16 ft.
Post spacing should be reduced to 10 to 12 ft for wind speed above 60 mph.
To calculate the number of posts divide the length in feet of the area that is going to be fenced by the spacing in feet between posts.
At the corners and at the gate
The corner posts or gate posts have to be strong since they take the major part of the strain of the fencing: wood post set in concrete, T-post set in concrete, and metal pipes set in concrete are all valid options as corner posts or gateposts. For sandy or rocky soil you will have to brace them.
- 1. Drive your corner posts, gate posts and end posts.
- 2. Make a straight line 10 inches above ground by stretching a string between each end post.
- 3. Install the tensioners at each ends of the string on the end post.
On the fence line
- 1. Along the same string drive the intermediate posts every 16ft maximum
- 2. Set the insulators on these posts following the string’s straight line.
- 3. Repeat the process for each strand of tape.

LOVE LOVE LOVE it .Yes, Horseguard fence, yes brown tape, yes 3 strands is fine, yes wood post .I have miles of it .The wood post look great and keep it from sagging.
Even when trees come down on it, all I have to do is get rid of the tree and tighten up the tape. Once in a while an insulator will snap but it is so easy to repair it is almost ridiculous.My currant fencing is 6 years old and looks as great as when it went up. The stuff is great. Once the horses are trained to do it, you can shut it off. If they are testing it with their nose whiskers, turn it on and give them a zap.
Michel B. Michigan.
The Fiberglass Post #7A
The fiberglass post is essentially unbreakable, rot-proof, rust-proof, twist resistant, and is nearly indestructible.
The post’s function is to hold the insulators that hold the tapes at the right height. The insulator is tapped down onto the post, and holds snuggly in position. Their brown color coordinates with the fence tape.
Like the fence tape, the fiberglass posts are designed for year round use even in more extreme weather conditions.
They can be used as a temporary fence or as intermediate posts between the stronger end-posts for a permanent fence.
Some people choose to install a stouter post between every 10 fiberglass posts. Fiberglass posts can be spaced as much as 15 feet apart.
The fiberglass post from HorseGuard is 67″(5.6 ft) and should be set at 15 inches in the ground.
At the gate they can’t be used to secure the fence tape tension.
To remove seasonal fencing :
- – Loosen the insulators and remove the tape
- – Pull up the fiberglass posts
- – Unhook the tape from the tensioner at the ends.
- – Bundle the stakes and set aside the tapes (or put it on a reel)

The T-postGuard sleeve with its own Insulators and Caps is inserted over a T-post to transform your dangerous metal fence into a really attractive and safe fence.
With the Horseguard sleeve segments system (1 ft long each ) it is up to you to adjust it to your desired length post. Just like playing with Lego Blocks…